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This is not an exhaustive list, just those with whom Taly interacts the most. Taly likes most people she interacts with at all, so if you are not listed, it does not mean she thinks ill of you at all.


Unless you are evil. So . . . don't be evil.

Current Relationships

  • Savo Kesslivang--Character's Thoughts: "Savo saw me at my first big public performance and immediately recruited me to do a concert with her in the future. She has always been so supportive. I worry about her, living as she does--which is to say dangerously. I try to keep an eye out for her. She is my best friend."

  • Fheyla Haken--Character's Thoughts: "Savo's cousin is a force of nature. Her arrival at any event precedes a level of controlled chaos . . . if that makes sense. I always sense that some of her behavior is to hide something she doesn't want the world to see, or know . . . but I know that I can rely on her when all is said and done.

  • Vylette Elakha--Character's Thoughts: ""Vylette is a very talented musician. She  handles a crowd with an aplomb I find enviable, though I don't think she knows how good she is (I've tried telling her!). She is also a graceful dancer, but just as graceful with a bow and arrow when needed. I have not often felt someone had my back the way she does--through any kind of danger. And on top of it all, she's beautiful--how did she get so lucky to have all that in one package?"

  • Oleandre Torchier--Character's Thoughts: "Mr. Oleeandre has been so supportive of my writing ambitions. I showed him the beginning of a play I hoped to write, and he put my right on retainer! Because of him, I have to travel for work far less. He is a dedicated producer of the arts, and I feel privileged that he was willing to take a chance on a meager tavern singer such as me."

  • Elphanse Kavanagh--Character's Thoughts: "Lady Eao is a mystery to me. I've known her a significant amount of time now, but I never feel I know her, in some ways. She has a cool exterior, but I sense it masks many things. She intimidates me, to be honest . . . I am never sure if she approves of me. I think I crave her good opinion as a result."

  • Popito Popoto--Character's Thoughts: "Mr. Popito was one of the first people I met when I interviewed at the Palazzo Aldenard. He is a stickler for rules, and was rather intimidating at first . . . but I have come to value him greatly, and I think he views me fondly underneath his stern exterior. I think he senses a kindred spirit, as I also believe in sensible rules."

  • Sela Wyssrael--Character's Thoughts: "Sela is my sister Miqo'te at the Palazzo Aldenard. We are outnumbered, but we shall stand together. She is bolder than I in so many ways (not that that is hard), and is a bit of a workaholic . . . but that just tells me how much she really cares about people."

  • Caelholdt Kavanagh--Character's Thoughts: "Cael has always been kind to me. He told me I could read in his library, and he has lent me his stage to practice on occasionally. He seems very devoted to Lady Eao, which since they are bonded now he better be! He is a talented performer, and I kind of want to have a guitar duel with him."

  • Lydia Lightfoot--Character's Thoughts: "My first memory of Lydia was of her casually dispatching a voidsent as if she were tying her laces. She has traveled to so many places on her treasure hunting expeditions, that I feel her excitement at discovering new vistas is at least equal to my own, though our motivations are different. She is so confident and at home in her skin, something which I envy her for. Yet, despite my awkwardness, she has always been kind to me, even complimentary on occasion. Her good opinion means a great deal to me."

  • Kazukata Go--Character's Thoughts: "The first time I visited the Hydaelyn Protector's headquarters, Kazukata turned up as well. We have sparred together, and he has been a patient trainer. He has more years than I, and I respect the experience he has accumulated in them, as well as the man himself."

Past Relationships

  • S'reyne Khett (formerly Serenity Maescia)--Character's Thoughts: "Serenity and I met at the Rest. She needed help learning archery, and when we started talking, we realized how much we had in common. I had never had a best friend before, but I fe;t like she was. She is very shy, but very smart. I don't see her as much as I used to do, since the Wayfarer's dissolved."

  • Haruka Uesugi--Character's Thoughts: Character's Thoughts: "Haruka is an enigma to me. So in control of herself! I respect that so much, struggling with it myself. She cares deeply about the Wayfarers, and I sense that she feels responsible for us all. From our early conversations, it seems she and I may have some common ground in our pasts. As a troubadour, it baffles me that I cannot read her better, but she inspires my loyalty."

  • Alyria Winchester--Character's Thoughts: Character's Thoughts: "Alyria is a fearsome and passionate warrior. In some ways, we are so very different. Where she is bold, I am cautious. But she values loyalty as I do, and has always leant a helping hand to me--or a strong drink, when necessary!"

  • Ailerana Galanadel--Character's Thoughts: Character's Thoughts: "I would never have thought Ailerana would be my friend. She is boisterous, blunt, and talks of bedroom activities without a hint of a blush! I've known such people amongst the other scouts and caravan crew I've with whom I've worked, of course, but never been close to any of them. Yet behind this bluster, I have learned there is a sensitive soul, and one who would do anything for those she loves. Though we may be different in how we each present ourselves, I hope to be worthy of her affection and loyalty as well, for she has earned mine."

  • Mai Takeda--Character's Thoughts: "Mai simply bowled me over with her enthusiasm for my performances. She was so full of energy and, as she was fairly young, a zeal for the future. Though things ended between us, she was my first (and only) girlfriend, and I will always keep those memories."

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